Friday, August 24, 2012

Books for your Burgeoning or Bursting Fashion Library

My fashion library is both bursting and burgeoning.  Depends on who you ask.  My husband would say bursting - but I say he is Cray-Cray and my fashion library is just burgeoning.  There is so much I have yet to acquire but of course my husband thinks I already have so much!  Glass half full/half empty kind of thing.

But as my click and order on Amazon Prime can not be stopped, here are a few good books I will be buying this fall (just don't tell my husband : )

Property from the Estate of Brooke Astor.  Not so much a book as an auction catalog.  You know.  Brooke Astor: the doyenne of philanthropy.   There may not be much that is cutting edge or modern to be found in her Park Avenue apartment or Holly Hill estate in Briarcliff Manor but Albert Hadley did the New York apartment and it will still be fun to have a look at a genteel woman in her genteel homes.

Property from the Estate of Brooke Astor.  Sothebys.  Available now here.

and following on the heels, or is it the eyes of Diana Vreeland: The Eye has to Travel is: Love Looks Not With The Eyes.  A look back at the spectacularly dark and romantic career of Alexander McQueen.  The photographer, Anne Deniau was the only photographer allowed back stage by McQueen beginning in 1997 up until McQueen's final show in 2010.  Get ready to be shocked and awed by his brilliance and the premature loss of that brilliance.

He will not know what all but he do know.
And as he errs, doting on Hermia's eyes,
So I, admiring of his qualities.
Things base and vile, holding no quantity,
Love can transpose to form and dignity.
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged cupid painted blind.
-William Shakespeare.  A Midsummer Summer Night's Dream.

Love Looks Not With The Eyes.  Available for pre-order here

The Antonio Lopez Book by Mauricio Padilha and Roger Padilha.  You may remember awhile ago we had a sale of Stephen Sprouse culled from the collection of Mauricio and Roger Padhila at RARE vintage available on  Mauricio and Roger wrote the defining catalogue raisonée on Sprouse (which is also a must have for your fashion library - and if you are really obsessive then you must own all four covers - each in a different shade of neon).  Now they have turned to illustrator Antonio Lopez who brought Pat Cleveland to Paris and where they all danced the nights away and drew fashion during the day.

Antonio: Fashion, Art, Sex & Disco, by Roger Padilha and Roger Padilha.  
Available for pre-order here

Karl Lagerfeld remembers Antonio Lopez in the September issue of Bazaar:

"In the summers we would all go down to St Tropez by private train.  It was easier to get to St. Tropez that way because there was no airport.  It was very funny.  We had tons of luggage.  We would keep a boat there, and I had a house and my mother had a house.  My house was in the center of the city, so it was easier to get to the clubs.  I remember the first summer we went together in 1970, the big musical hit was "In the Summertime".  Everybody danced to it.

It was a free time; in a way, it was more innocent.  I don't see anyone like Antonio and his crowd today.  No one else will ever compare."  Karl Lagerfeld on Antonio Lopez in September Bazaar.

So those are just a few books I will be reading this fall...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, they're on our wish list too. As well as Dressed to Kill. Virginia's Jazz Age Fashion
    BTW you can never have too many books!
