Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote! And What to Wear to an Inauguration Past

Vote!  You can do it!  Your vote counts!  

When all of the campaigning ends, when a President is elected, it all comes down to what is really important: What to wear for the inauguration : )  A look back as we look forward...

Jacqueline Kennedy and President John Kennedy.  1961.

Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama.  2009

Lady Bird Johnson.  1965

Nancy and President Ronald Reagan.  1981

Secretary of State Hilary Clinton (is it just me, or does Hilary look like Kate Winslet in this photo??) and President Bill Clinton.  1993

Pat Nixon.  1969.  (Sorry the photo is small but very fun)

and not inaugural but dresses of First ladies in the wonderful collection on the First Ladies at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC...

Mary Lincoln's silk dress (with a modified bodice). 1886.

Dolley Madison's Pride and Prejudice - oops I mean, Dolley Madison's gown embroidered with dragon flies, butterflies and flocks of flowers.  Circa 1810s.  (But isn't it so Elizabeth Bennet??!)

Florence Hardings silk tulle beaded gown.  Circa 1920s.

Eleanor Roosevelt's pink crepe and beaded gown.  1945.

Mamie Eisenhower's 1957 silk taffeta dress

and what will the first woman President of the United States wear to her inauguration?  Stay tuned!  Keep tuned in and vote!  Your vote counts! 

1 comment:

  1. what a great round up. I liked Michelle's dress-this time round I think she will be in a sheath of sorts. I do love twirling LadyBird-and Dolley Madison's is to die. Yes HC does look like KW.
