Sunday, November 16, 2014

Baby It Is Hermes Cold Outside

I am feeling very Katy Perry, Hot N Cold, about the weather in New York these days:

You change your mind 
Like a girl changes clothes

'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right...

You know what I mean?  Last week it was 70 degrees and this week it is going to be 14 degrees.  So home for the holidays on the east coast, could be hot, could be cold...

I adore this Hermes sweater with an illustration by Dimitri Rybaltchenko.  Not only is it ideal for whether or not the weather is hot or cold, it also has a lovely bucolic snow scene with horses, goat herders and a giant, ancient tree with its boughs covered in snow.

Hermes 'Winter Scene' Sweater.  Available for purchase here.

Dimitri Rybaltchenko has written that his illustrations are meant to invoke dreams, magic and world of childhood.

xo, Juliana

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