Friday, October 26, 2012

Costanza on what is Rare

If you read the RARE vintage blog regularly, you will remember I did a post on the fabulous Italian born fashion editor for Vogue Brazil, Costanza Pascolato.  She loves fashion, dresses very fashionably (in the latest from Miu Miu, The Row, Alexander Wang, Carven, Prada, Valentino) but does so with great polish, great chic and always age appropriate.  

And by 'age appropriate' I don't mean old lady clothes.   It just means knowing what looks good and what does not look so good.  It means that your look evolves.  Even my daughter's look has evolved as she turns the ripe old age of ten.  So, when you are 60 or 70 you don't want try to dress like a 20 year old.  I see it all of the time in New York and it is always sad and sometimes a little scary.

But back to Costanza - who always looks amazing.  The equally amazing Garance DorĂ©'s latest episode of Pardon My French is a chat with Costanza about the evolving world of fashion.  And what I love is that she speaks about what is rare and the loss of discovery in fashion.  

It is one of the reasons I am always drawn to mixing vintage in my wardrobe.  I don't want to have what everyone else has.  If I am going to pay a lot for something, I don't want to see a hundred other women in the same thing.  I want to be the only one : )  I also find it very depressing that no matter where you go in the world, you see the same things, in the same stores.

You know we are all about what is rare and the joy of discovery at RARE vintage.  

Here is Pardon My French with Garance DorĂ© and Costanza Pascolato.  Enjoy!  Thank you Garance for the wonderful interview!

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