Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Style Icon of a Different Sort: Georgia O'Keefe

Happy 2015!  I thought it would be nice to bring in 2015 on the RARE vintage blog with a style icon of a different sort: Georgia O'Keeffe.  Maybe it is a reaction to way too much of the Kardashian family in 2014 but I love and crave the simplicity and quietness of Georgia O'Keeffe's life at her Ghost Ranch in New Mexico...

These John Loengard are absolutely beautiful...

Georgia O'Keeffe.  Photo by John Loengard

Georgia O'Keeffe.  Photo by John Loengard

Georgia O'Keeffe.  Photo by John Loengard

Georgia O'Keeffe.  Photo by John Loengard

Georgia O'Keeffe wearing a Calder brooch.

And her home is timeless...

The Noguchi lantern is particularly striking against the natural wood ceiling and beams.

xo, Juliana

1 comment:

  1. Georgia O'Keefe was a talented seamstress and made most of her own clothes.
