Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fashion Will You Still Love Me, Will You Still Need Me When I'm 80? The Joan Didion Edition

The face of the Céline's Spring 2015 ad campaign?  80 year old Joan Didion!  Photographed by Jurgen Teller and looking super chic in oversize black sunglasses, a black knitted top and what looks like a flattened Swiss cowbell.  

Joan Didion for Céline Spring 2015 ad campaign photographed by Jurgen Teller

It is lovely and inspiring to see a woman of 80 years being celebrated by one of the most talented fashion designers working today.

And Céline resort 2015 also seems like it was inspired by Joan Didion circa 1968 in LA with her Corvette Stingray in a long knit dress...

Joan Didion photographed by Julian Wasser

Céline resort 2015

and on Instagram the fabulously fashionable Giovanna Battaglia wore her Céline resort dress not in front of a Corvette but on a boat...

Giovanna Battaglia from her Instagram

and now since I am in California, I think I will go cozy up in a long Céline dress and read Slouching Towards Bethlehem...

xo, Juliana

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