Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Birthday Faye Dunaway!

After I saw Chinatown for the first time, I ran out and bought myself a bright red lipstick.  I  loved the way Faye Dunaway looked in Chinatown: soigné and sexy, riding horses bareback in her thin white blouse, tan leather belt and jodhpurs.  

And it just got better.  Later she showed up for dinner with Jack Nicholson's character, Mr Gittes, in a black dress with a plunging neckline, a long strand of big milky white pearls and a snug black hat with a veil.  And red lips.  

The costumes were by Anthea Sylbert, who also did the costumes for Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby and Jessica Lange in King Kong.  Not quite sure what happened to her because she stopped doing costume design in the late 1970s...

In 1967, there was Bonnie and Clyde and Faye Dunaway with her blonde bob and just looking incredibly beautiful.  

Later there was The Three Musketeers and Network.  She always looked amazing.  Truthfully, other then getting to kiss Steve McQueen, the best accessory a girl could ask for, I did not love the wardrobe from The Thomas Crown Affair.  I much preferred Rene Russo's Michael Kors costumes from the 1999 version.  

And then of course there was Mommie Dearest with Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford percolating coffee in her bathroom, scrubbing her nails clean, washing her face, rinsing it with water from a bowl filled with ice cubes - and then her glass doored walk in closet... it was too too fabulous - and as I live in a wire hanger free home too, I was all about Mommie Dearest : )

Happy Birthday Faye Dunaway!  

xo, Juliana

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